✓ Les stratégies de santé mentale selon une adolescente qui les a toutes essayées
✓Enseignement en classe tenant compte des traumatismes
✓ Libérez-vous de la pensée limitée pour actualiser votre intention.
En tant qu'adolescents, nous sommes constamment soumis à un afflux d'expériences qui peuvent devenir extrêmement stressantes et difficiles à gérer, sans que nous ayons la conscience ou le temps de les intégrer de manière efficace.
Nous n'avons pas tout en main, mais nous ressentons une pression suffocante pour tout comprendre lorsque nous approchons de notre vie adulte.
Le voyage peut sembler solitaire, car nous sommes confrontés par des problèmes urgents tels que l'isolement social, la dynamique des pairs, la vie professionnelle, la concurrence universitaire et les problèmes de santé mentale. Il est parfois difficile de trouver un moyen de surmonter ces moments intenses.
De plus, les enseignants ne sont peut-être pas équipés pour répondre efficacement aux niveaux de stress et de traumatisme auxquels les adolescents sont confrontés aujourd'hui.
C'est pourquoi je me concentre sur:
- Parler directement aux adolescents et les guider à travers les obstacles de la vie quotidienne.
- Organiser des ateliers pour les enseignants, afin que nous puissions tous travailler en équipe pour soutenir au mieux nos jeunes.
Choisissez le discours qui vous convient le mieux:
In this public talk we unpack my personal story of tragedy and loss, as I vulnerably share my rock bottom moment. I saw myself as stuck without any hope for a lighter future. It was through this that I in turn put tools and tips to the test, and then curated the ones that are evidence based and effective. Through my open and honest discussion, we are brought together in our humanity, understanding that we all suffer, participants walk away with a personalized toolbox of strategies that work for them.
- Length: 45 minutes, including 10 minute discussion period
- Target audience: High school
- Key takeaways:
- How to self care when life takes an unexpected turn
- How rebuild your foundation when all feels lost
- How to skillfully employ mindfulness tools so that you can take control of your thoughts
- How to become your greatest ally and eliminate self criticism when going through mental health challenges
In this content filled talk I focus on the essential tool of trauma informed teaching. Back when I was merely at the beginning of my grade 9 year reentering school after a traumatizing spring, I became acutely aware of the lack and therefore the need for trauma informed teaching. A practice that takes into account the experiences and the mental health of every student in the room. I pushed to implement practices that will effectively create a safe space within a school setting, a feeling that is too frequently unmet.
During that grade 9 year I pitched a trauma-informed teaching program to all faculty, riding off of the findings of a grade wide survey documenting that 70% of students classified themselves as experiencing at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. It focuses on the essential point of avoiding retraumatization, which is ultimately the last thing you want to do when you have someone who has been traumatized. The goal? To guide students from post-traumatic stress to post-traumatic growth, which is evidently the best outcome for a trauma survivor. Let’s learn how to achieve this and book me in today.
- Length: 30-45 minutes, including 10 minute discussion period
- Target audience: Educators, Board of directors, school faculty etc.
- Key takeaways:
- Understand what language could unintentionally inflict harm on traumatized individuals.
- Gain tools for fostering a safe space for all students, no matter their background.
- Learn about the power of co-regulation when dealing with traumatized students.
- Learn the importance of self care in order to be the presence that your students need you to be.
- Understand the gift that is possible through post traumatic growth.
In this powerful public talk, I share my compelling journey of defying conventional expectations and embracing the spirit of entrepreneurship. I believe my story is one of resilience, determination, and the unwavering belief in my ability to create an impact on the world. From a young age, I envisioned a life beyond the ordinary, one that demanded stepping into uncharted territory and taking risks. Through my experiences and growth, I have identified key principles that have fueled my entrepreneurial journey that I share openly about within this talk.
Participants will gain a deeper understanding of what it means to follow your purpose and how to do so successfully. You see my message isn't just about entrepreneurship—it's about embracing a path that resonates, leaving you fulfilled and inspired to make a difference.
- Length: 45-50 mins+10 minute question period.
- Target audience: Corporate level, universities, high school.
- Key takeaways the audience will gain:
- How to identify and embrace your 'why’ while understanding that it is your superpower, driving you through adversity.
- How to become comfortable with uncertainty and take big risks to gain big results
- How to get out of outcomes and into process. Creating the step by step plan that will successfully allow you to achieve your goals
- How to combat your self-saboteur and inner critic so there are no mental obstacles in your way
- A new outlook on life, one that will leave you feeling more fulfilled
Chaque exposé suit trois étapes simples:
Étape 1: Se connecter à l'inspiration
Réunissons-nous collectivement pour étudier et apprendre sur le sujet en question.
Étape 2 : Discussion et réflexion
Posez toutes vos questions au fur et à mesure que nous intégrons le matériel.
Étape 3 : Personnalisez votre boîte à outils
Vous recevrez des documents de haute qualité détaillant les outils mentionnés. Mélangez et associez ce qui vous convient.